Seal 3D
Self-adhesive, hydrophilic, obturation-expansive, revisable composite-based root canal sealer.For optimum adhesive sealing of the root canal system deep into the dentinal tubules. Supports bacteria-tight sealing through controlled volume expansion. Ideal for combination with Cumdente Etch & Bond high-performance enamel and dentin adhesive. Pack of 1 pc. 5.5 g double piston syringe incl. 10 pcs. Seal 3D mixing tips and 10 pcs. Application cannulas (blue) (27 Ga, ø = 0.4 mm / 23 mm, blunt)
From €85.41*
EndoTurbo 812MT
The Endo TurboReciprocating + stroke + ultrasoundAll in one:3D preparationReciprocating / rotation+ vertical stroke (oscillation)+ ultrasoundincl. Apex locatorDisrupts biofilm? Highly efficient reciprocal treatment? longitudinal, oscillating file dynamics? superimposed ultrasonic oscillation3D preparation+ ultrasoundThe 3 modes:? CW = rotation + ultrasound? CCW = reciprocal + ultrasoundSGP = reciprocating + vertical stroke + ultrasonic (separate contra-angle handpiece)The adjustment ranges: ? Rotation / reciprocation ± 20° - 360° in 10° steps? S peed 50 - 2,500 rpmTorque 0 .4 - 5.0 Ncm ? Programmable integrated database with the most important file systems? O ther facts - Battery capacity: 2,000 mAh - Wireless foot switch - Contactless charging cradleScope of delivery Endo Turbo 812MT:Brushless, cordless Turbo Endo motor with apex locator and ultrasonic biofilm disruption,contactless charging cradle, 2Super Mini contra-angle handpieces (6:1), 1x measuring wire, 1x nozzle, 1x lip hook, 1x file clip, 1x measuring probe,silicone protective cover for contra-angle handpiece, disposable insulating tubing for the handpiece
EndoTurbo 812MT
MTA Bio-C Repair
MTA Bio-C Repair - Ready to UseMTA Repair - Repair cement, closure of perforations, closure of open apical foramen (also with bleeding / secretion), for apexification, retrograde root filling material etc.). Highly biocompatible, moisture-tolerant, bactericidal. Ingenious processing (optimisation of clinical time)Ca2+ release (hydroxyapatite fuses with the dentin)antibacterial (inhibits bacterial growth)biocompatiblePromotes pulp regeneration"grows together" by means of newly formed hydroxyapatite with the dentineUse in moist media without loss of properties Hydrophilic: Absorbs moistureSyringe of 0.5 g Indications (MTA cements) Treatment of iatrogenic perforations or perforations caused by caries lesions (root canal / periodontium / furcation / pulp)Direct and indirect capping (MTA PulpCap; Pulprotec MTA)Pulpotomy (covering / sealing of the vital pulp stump to be preserved)Apical closure of the root canal (also in case of haemorrhage / secretion)WSR obturationTreatment of internal / external resorptionsApical WF material for difficult canals, voluminous pulp cavities or revisionsApexogenesis (promoting the termination of root growth in vital permanent teeth with inflamed crown pulp)Apexification (induction of the formation of an apical barrier of hard tissue in young permanent teeth with incomplete root growth and necrotic pulp)Treatment of internal / external resorptionsApical WF material for difficult canals, voluminous pulp cavities or revisions
Pack size
MTA Bio-C Sealer
MTA Bio-C Sealer - Ready to UseMTA Bio-C Sealer – Hochbiokompatibler biokeramischer Sealer auf MTA Basis zur Direktapplikation in den Wurzelkanal. Bakterizid, hoch alkalisch (pH 12,5), antibakteriell und röntgenopak (7mm Aluminium Scale nach ISO 6876). Für alle WF Techniken, inkl. single cone Technik. Schrumpfungsfrei. Revidierbar. geniale Verarbeitung (Optimierung der klinischen Zeit) Ca2+ Freisetzung (Hydroxylapatit verwächst mit dem Dentin) antibakteriell (hemmt Bakterienwachstum) biokompatibel fördert die Pulpa-Regeneration “verwächst“ mittels neu gebildetem Hydroxylapatit mit dem Dentin Einsatz in feuchten Medien ohne Verlust der Eigenschaften Hydrophil: Absorbiert Feuchtigkeit Fertig-Direktapplikations-Spritze zu 0,5g inkl. 5 Stück Endo Applikations-Kanülen (gelb) Indikationen (MTA Zemente) Behandlung von iatrogenen oder durch Kariesläsion entstandene Perforationen (Wurzelkanal / Parodont / Furkation / Pulpa)  Direkte und indirekte Überkappung (MTA PulpCap; Pulprotec MTA) Pulpotomie (Abdeckung / Versiegelung des zu erhaltenden vitalen Pulpenstumpfes)  Apikaler Verschluss des Wurzelkanales (auch bei Einblutung / Sekret) WSR-Obturation  Behandlung interner / externer Resorptionen  Apikales WF-Material bei schwierigen Kanälen, voluminöser Pulpakavität oder bei Revisionen  Apexogenese (Förderung der Beendigung des Wurzelwachstums bei vitalen bleibenden Zähnen mit entzündeter Kronenpulpa)  Apexifikation (Induktion der Bildung einer apikalen Barriere von hartem Gewebe bei jungen bleibenden Zähnen mit unvollendetem Wurzelwachstum und nekrotischer Pulpa)  Behandlung interner / externer Resorptionen  Apikales WF-Material bei schwierigen Kanälen, voluminöser Pulpakavität oder bei Revisionen
From €44.91*
MTA Bio-C Temp
MTA Bio-C Temp - Ready to UseMTA Bio-C Temp – Hochbiokompatibles biokeramisches, resorbierbares Wurzelkanalfüllmaterial auf MTA Basis zur Direktapplikation in den Wurzelkanal. Für die Milchzahn-Wurzelkanalfüllung und alle Med-Einlagen.Bakterizid, hoch alkalisch (pH 12,5), antibakteriell und röntgenopak (9mm Aluminium Scale nach ISO 6876). Entfernbar (herkömmliche NaOCl und EDTA Spülung). Schrumpfungsfrei. Revidierbar. geniale Verarbeitung (Optimierung der klinischen Zeit) Ca2+ Freisetzung (Hydroxylapatit verwächst mit dem Dentin) antibakteriell (hemmt Bakterienwachstum) biokompatibel fördert die Pulpa-Regeneration “verwächst“ mittels neu gebildetem Hydroxylapatit mit dem Dentin Einsatz in feuchten Medien ohne Verlust der Eigenschaften Hydrophil: Absorbiert Feuchtigkeit Fertig-Direktapplikations-Spritze zu 0,5g inkl. 5 Stück Endo Applikations-Kanülen (grau) Indikationen (MTA Zemente) Behandlung von iatrogenen oder durch Kariesläsion entstandene Perforationen (Wurzelkanal / Parodont / Furkation / Pulpa)  Direkte und indirekte Überkappung (MTA PulpCap; Pulprotec MTA) Pulpotomie (Abdeckung / Versiegelung des zu erhaltenden vitalen Pulpenstumpfes)  Apikaler Verschluss des Wurzelkanales (auch bei Einblutung / Sekret) WSR-Obturation  Behandlung interner / externer Resorptionen  Apikales WF-Material bei schwierigen Kanälen, voluminöser Pulpakavität oder bei Revisionen  Apexogenese (Förderung der Beendigung des Wurzelwachstums bei vitalen bleibenden Zähnen mit entzündeter Kronenpulpa)  Apexifikation (Induktion der Bildung einer apikalen Barriere von hartem Gewebe bei jungen bleibenden Zähnen mit unvollendetem Wurzelwachstum und nekrotischer Pulpa)  Behandlung interner / externer Resorptionen  Apikales WF-Material bei schwierigen Kanälen, voluminöser Pulpakavität oder bei Revisionen
From €21.51*
CD-highflex File Unicone Plus Set
CD-highflex Unicone Plus. Hochleistungs-Wurzelkanalfeilen: Maximale Effizienz und Sicherheit in der Endodontie. Erleben Sie unsere hochentwickelten Wurzelkanalfeilen - die optimale Wahl für anspruchsvolle endodontische Behandlungen: Überlegene Flexibilität und Langlebigkeit 3,8-fach flexibler als herkömmliche Feilen 2,5-fach höhere Ermüdungsresistenz für eine verbesserte Haltbarkeit Innovative Thermo-Nickel-Titan-Technologie mit charakteristischem Blauton Doppelte Temperung sorgt für außergewöhnliche Flexibilität, auch bei mehrfach gekrümmten Wurzelkanälen Exzellente Schneideffizienz und Sicherheit Herausragende Schneideffizienz ermöglicht schnelle und präzise Aufbereitungen Bruchsichere Konstruktion garantiert maximale Patientensicherheit Vielseitig einsetzbar: Geeignet für alle Wurzelkanalbehandlungen, sowohl rotierend als auch reziprok Praktische Anwendung Autoklavierbar bis 134 °C für eine einfache Sterilisation Zeitsparend und kosteneffizient Unsere Wurzelkanalfeilen bieten Ihnen Präzision, Sicherheit und Effizienz - ideal für optimale Behandlungsergebnisse in der modernen Endodontie. Größenspektrum: Small (Taper 06 - 20) gelb Medium (Taper 06 - 25) rot X-Large (Taper 06 - 40) schwarz Set mit 1 Feile je Größe.
Splendor adaptive Glass Fiber Post
SPLENDOR Intraradicular Glass Fiber Post with Sleeve Intraradicular glass fiber post with sleeve for reinforcing endodontic restorations and anchoring core build-ups. The mechanical properties of the Splendor posts are similar to those of natural dentin. The propagation and intensity of stresses in the tooth's root area are minimized. Splendor Adaptive Glass Fiber Post Sliding sleeve for adapting to the size of the root canal Quick reconstruction and stabilization Optimal anchoring of core build-ups Material: 80% glass fiber / 20% epoxy resin Contents: 5 posts
Splendor adaptive Glass Fiber Post
Perfect Endo KI endomotor
Wireless AI endo motor & endometry. Hand-flattering WK reprocessing device with high-precision endometry. AI control with new apical functions;reference point actions; auto on/off; torque control now also in Reciprok mode and much more. Programme database for Cumdente files and other manufacturers. Removable, sterilisable miniature contra-angle head: 360° rotatable, reduction ratio (6:1). Speed range: 100 rpm to 1,200 rpm. Torque range: 0.4 Ncm to 5.0 Ncm. High lithium-ion battery capacity. Soft-grip surface. Comfortable and secure grip. Perfect Endo / KI endomotor and endometry set:incl. 1x charging station with mains adapter. 1x measuring cable, 2x file clip, 2x lip hooks, 2x silicone sleeve for contra-angle handpiece, accessories and detailed instructions for use.
Perfect Endo KI endomotor
€499.50* €999.00* (50% saved)
Cumdente Endo set
Cumdente Endo set 1090892 Endo Turbo 812MT 1 1090255 CD-highflex File #S Unicone Plus 06/20 (6pcs) 1 1090256 CD-highflex File #M Unicone Plus 06/25 (6pcs) 1 1090257 CD-highflex File #L Unicone Plus 06/35 (6pieces) 1 1090258 CD-highflex File #XL Unicone Plus 06/40 (6pcs) 1 1090212 K-File 2 ISO 08 L25mm (6pcs) 1 1090220 W-XN-File ISO 25 (6pcs) 1 1090221 W-File #1 04/10 (6pcs) 1 1001133 Disposable Endo Irrigation Cannula (yellow) - 50 pcs. 1 1000026 Endo-Jet cannula - 50 pcs. 1 1000639 Prep Gel 1 1001212 Root Canal conditioner 1 1001300 Greater Taper Plugger I ISO 30 1 1001301 Greater Taper Plugger II ISO 30 1 1001738 MTA sealer 1 1030512 MTA speed (set of 2) 1 1000442 MTA applicator including endo application cannulas - 10 pieces 1 1000075 Flow White Pro 1 1001138 Etch & Bond 1
CD-highflex Files Unicone Plus
Highly efficient root canal filesOne-file principle (one file for everything) for reciprocal root canal preparation.enables the preparation of a root canal with just one instrumentinnovativecutting edge design with coronal debris transportnon-cuttinginstrumenttip lead-red bendable3.8 times more flexible and 2.5 times more fatigue-resistant than conventional files, Highcutting efficiency and safety in reprocessing, time-saving and extended size range (Small / Medium / Large / XLarge)For all single-file reprocessing methods according to the reciprocating or reciprocating-head method. Pulse methodAutoclavable (134° C) Size range:Small (Taper 06 - 20) yellowMedium(Taper 06 - 25) redLarge(Taper 06 - 35) greenX-Large(Taper 06 - 40) blackPack of 6 CD-hf Files Unicone Plus
Innovative size-graded root canal files.for rotary preparation using the standardised technique, crown-down technique and step-back technique.highly flexible, fracture-resistant (gold-coloured) root canal files made of new tempered nickel-titanium alloyinnovative cutting edge design with high effectivenessNon-cutting instrument tipHighly flexible, break-resistant root canal files with modern cutting design for preparing the gliding path (W-File #1 - W-File #2), widening the canal entrance (coronal flaring - W-XN file) and rotary canal preparation using the standardised technique, crown-down technique or step-back technique (W3 - W7 files). Autoclavable (134 °C).Pack with 6 pcs. W-Files
Endo Diamond
Extra-long diamond grinding instrument. Ideal for trephination, widening of canal entrances etc. Taper 12, ISO 30, length 17 mm, colour code: black, for FG shaft. Autoclavable (134 °C).Pack of 6 pcs.
W-XN-File (Coronal Flaring), colour code: silver
Intro file for canal opening. Highly flexible, fracture-resistant root canal files made of new tempered nickel-titanium alloy and modern cutting design for preparing the glide path (W-File #1, W-File #2), widening the canal entrance (Coronal Flaring - W-XN file) and rotary canal preparation using the standardised technique.
K-Files WK manual preparation
Cutting-efficient, break-resistant hand files (medical steel alloy) for opening up the root canal / manual preparation of the glide path / X-ray length measuring holder.Length 25 mm, ISO standardised with silicone stopper. Autoclavable (134 ºC).Pack of 6 pcs.
MTA PulpCap
Light-curing, resin-reinforced MTA cement. Capping material. For precise indirect and direct capping of the pulp and highly effective pulp protection. Antibacterial thanks to high alkaline pH value. Rich in bioactive calcium. Promotes the formation of tertiary dentine and hydroxyapatite. For immediate high-quality pulp obturation. Moisture-tolerant, radiopaque. Syringe of 1 g, incl. 10 pcs. Metal cannulas black (thin).Tip: Ideal for use in combination with Cumdente Hybrid Bond . Adhesive of the 8th generation.
From €44.91*
Anodised aluminium, two-piece, autoclavable (134 °C).1 pc. incl. 1 foam disc
CleanTray refill pack
Refill pack of 24 pcs. Disposable foam discs for CleanTray
Root canal gel rinse.Sliding and chip-binding agent. With EDTA.Pack of 1 pc. 3 ml syringe incl. 5 pcs. Intra-cannulas
From €19.71*
MTA Universal DirectCaps
Setting time 10-15 minutes.Disposable capsules of 300 mg repair cementIndications (MTA cements)Treatment of iatrogenic perforations or perforations caused by caries lesions (root canal / periodontium / furcation / pulp) Direct and indirect capping (MTA PulpCap; Pulprotec MTA) Pulpotomy (covering / sealing of the vital pulp stump to be preserved) Apical closure of the root canal (also in case of haemorrhage / secretion) WSR obturation Treatment of internal / external resorptions Apical WF material for difficult canals, voluminous pulp cavities or revisions Apexogenesis (promoting the termination of root growth in vital permanent teeth with inflamed crowns) teeth with inflamed crown pulp) Apexification (induction of the formation of an apical barrier of hard tissue in young permanent teeth with incomplete root growth and necrotic pulp) Treatment of internal / external resorptions Apical WF material for difficult canals, voluminous pulp cavities or revisionsMTA Speed Applikator
Pack size
Root Canal Conditioner
For conditioning the root canalCitric acid-based rinsing solution (20 %) for conditioning the root canal after root canal preparation. Removes smear layer residues on the canal walls.50 ml syringe with Luer-Lock adapter for direct filling of commercially available disposable syringes.
From €26.01*
MTA Rapid (hand-mixed preparation)
Setting time approx. 10-15 minutes MTA manual mixing variant: powder / liquidPack of 1.0 g MTA powder, 3 ml distilled water, spatula
From €59.31*
Cumdente UC-One
Cumdente UC-One Ultrasonic irrigation, with exchangeable disposable plastic tip. For highly efficient root canal irrigation Even for complex curved canals and up to the apex. Highly flexible, does not break. UC-One ultrasonic irrigation set incl. 1x charging station, 1x power supply unit, 1x syringe attachment and 50 disposable plastic tips, accessories and instructions for use.
Cumdente UC-One
UC-One disposable plastic tips
UC-One disposable plastic tips Highly flexible, does not break. Box of 50 pieces
MTA Sealer
Universal 2-component root canal sealer based on MTAHighly biocompatible, moisture-tolerant, bactericidal. For permanently perfect, bacteria-proof obturation of the root canal system in conjunction with gutta-percha and all condensation techniques, including the single-cone technique. Very good flowability, easy to work with. Revisable.1 pc. Double piston syringe, 4.0 g incl. 5 mixing tips MTA Sealer (manual mixing also possible)
From €71.91*
MTA Speed Applicator
Disposable applicator syringe incl. disposable endo application cannula (blue)Disposable applicator syringe incl. disposable endo application cannula (blue) (27 Ga, Ø = 0.4 mm / 23 mm, blunt, sterile).Pack of 10 pcs.
Calcium hydroxide paste for temporary medical inlays.Easy to apply, stable paste-like consistency. Antibacterial. Radiopaque. Also suitable for resorbable root canal filling in deciduous teeth. Pack of 1 pc. 2 g syringe incl. 5 pcs. Intra-cannulas.
From €23.31*
Endo-Jet cannula
Endo-Jet cannulaNew Endo irrigation cannula (gauge 27 / Ø = 0.4 mm, length 25 mm) with high turbulence of the irrigation solution on the root canal walls and therefore very high irrigation effectiveness. Prevents the irrigation solutionfrom being pressed over the apex.Pack of 50 pcs.
Glass fibre post
High-performance glass fibre posts (solid material)Can be silanised, excellent composite adhesion. Very high flexural strength / stability.Pack of 10 incl. matching pre-drill (ISO contra-angle handpiece shaft ø = 2.35 mm)
Endo disposable irrigation cannula
For efficient irrigation. Prevents the rinsing solution from being pressed over the apex. (Gauge 27 / Ø = 0.4 mm, length 23 mm).Pack of 50 pcs.
MTA Sealer mixing tip
Mixing tip orangeStatic mixer and application cannula for MTA Sealer.
Lip hooks for endo motors
Lip hook Autoclavable (134° C)
Measuring cable for EndoTurbo 812MT
Measuring cable for EndoTurbo 812MT1 piece
EndoTurbo 812MT power supply unit
Spare power supply unit 1 pc.

Total Assortment

Seal 3D
Self-adhesive, hydrophilic, obturation-expansive, revisable composite-based root canal sealer.For optimum adhesive sealing of the root canal system deep into the dentinal tubules. Supports bacteria-tight sealing through controlled volume expansion. Ideal for combination with Cumdente Etch & Bond high-performance enamel and dentin adhesive. Pack of 1 pc. 5.5 g double piston syringe incl. 10 pcs. Seal 3D mixing tips and 10 pcs. Application cannulas (blue) (27 Ga, ø = 0.4 mm / 23 mm, blunt)

From €85.41*
EndoTurbo 812MT
The Endo TurboReciprocating + stroke + ultrasoundAll in one:3D preparationReciprocating / rotation+ vertical stroke (oscillation)+ ultrasoundincl. Apex locatorDisrupts biofilm? Highly efficient reciprocal treatment? longitudinal, oscillating file dynamics? superimposed ultrasonic oscillation3D preparation+ ultrasoundThe 3 modes:? CW = rotation + ultrasound? CCW = reciprocal + ultrasoundSGP = reciprocating + vertical stroke + ultrasonic (separate contra-angle handpiece)The adjustment ranges: ? Rotation / reciprocation ± 20° - 360° in 10° steps? S peed 50 - 2,500 rpmTorque 0 .4 - 5.0 Ncm ? Programmable integrated database with the most important file systems? O ther facts - Battery capacity: 2,000 mAh - Wireless foot switch - Contactless charging cradleScope of delivery Endo Turbo 812MT:Brushless, cordless Turbo Endo motor with apex locator and ultrasonic biofilm disruption,contactless charging cradle, 2Super Mini contra-angle handpieces (6:1), 1x measuring wire, 1x nozzle, 1x lip hook, 1x file clip, 1x measuring probe,silicone protective cover for contra-angle handpiece, disposable insulating tubing for the handpiece

MTA Bio-C Repair
MTA Bio-C Repair - Ready to UseMTA Repair - Repair cement, closure of perforations, closure of open apical foramen (also with bleeding / secretion), for apexification, retrograde root filling material etc.). Highly biocompatible, moisture-tolerant, bactericidal. Ingenious processing (optimisation of clinical time)Ca2+ release (hydroxyapatite fuses with the dentin)antibacterial (inhibits bacterial growth)biocompatiblePromotes pulp regeneration"grows together" by means of newly formed hydroxyapatite with the dentineUse in moist media without loss of properties Hydrophilic: Absorbs moistureSyringe of 0.5 g Indications (MTA cements) Treatment of iatrogenic perforations or perforations caused by caries lesions (root canal / periodontium / furcation / pulp)Direct and indirect capping (MTA PulpCap; Pulprotec MTA)Pulpotomy (covering / sealing of the vital pulp stump to be preserved)Apical closure of the root canal (also in case of haemorrhage / secretion)WSR obturationTreatment of internal / external resorptionsApical WF material for difficult canals, voluminous pulp cavities or revisionsApexogenesis (promoting the termination of root growth in vital permanent teeth with inflamed crown pulp)Apexification (induction of the formation of an apical barrier of hard tissue in young permanent teeth with incomplete root growth and necrotic pulp)Treatment of internal / external resorptionsApical WF material for difficult canals, voluminous pulp cavities or revisions

From €44.91*
MTA Bio-C Sealer
MTA Bio-C Sealer - Ready to UseMTA Bio-C Sealer – Hochbiokompatibler biokeramischer Sealer auf MTA Basis zur Direktapplikation in den Wurzelkanal. Bakterizid, hoch alkalisch (pH 12,5), antibakteriell und röntgenopak (7mm Aluminium Scale nach ISO 6876). Für alle WF Techniken, inkl. single cone Technik. Schrumpfungsfrei. Revidierbar. geniale Verarbeitung (Optimierung der klinischen Zeit) Ca2+ Freisetzung (Hydroxylapatit verwächst mit dem Dentin) antibakteriell (hemmt Bakterienwachstum) biokompatibel fördert die Pulpa-Regeneration “verwächst“ mittels neu gebildetem Hydroxylapatit mit dem Dentin Einsatz in feuchten Medien ohne Verlust der Eigenschaften Hydrophil: Absorbiert Feuchtigkeit Fertig-Direktapplikations-Spritze zu 0,5g inkl. 5 Stück Endo Applikations-Kanülen (gelb) Indikationen (MTA Zemente) Behandlung von iatrogenen oder durch Kariesläsion entstandene Perforationen (Wurzelkanal / Parodont / Furkation / Pulpa)  Direkte und indirekte Überkappung (MTA PulpCap; Pulprotec MTA) Pulpotomie (Abdeckung / Versiegelung des zu erhaltenden vitalen Pulpenstumpfes)  Apikaler Verschluss des Wurzelkanales (auch bei Einblutung / Sekret) WSR-Obturation  Behandlung interner / externer Resorptionen  Apikales WF-Material bei schwierigen Kanälen, voluminöser Pulpakavität oder bei Revisionen  Apexogenese (Förderung der Beendigung des Wurzelwachstums bei vitalen bleibenden Zähnen mit entzündeter Kronenpulpa)  Apexifikation (Induktion der Bildung einer apikalen Barriere von hartem Gewebe bei jungen bleibenden Zähnen mit unvollendetem Wurzelwachstum und nekrotischer Pulpa)  Behandlung interner / externer Resorptionen  Apikales WF-Material bei schwierigen Kanälen, voluminöser Pulpakavität oder bei Revisionen

From €44.91*
MTA Bio-C Temp
MTA Bio-C Temp - Ready to UseMTA Bio-C Temp – Hochbiokompatibles biokeramisches, resorbierbares Wurzelkanalfüllmaterial auf MTA Basis zur Direktapplikation in den Wurzelkanal. Für die Milchzahn-Wurzelkanalfüllung und alle Med-Einlagen.Bakterizid, hoch alkalisch (pH 12,5), antibakteriell und röntgenopak (9mm Aluminium Scale nach ISO 6876). Entfernbar (herkömmliche NaOCl und EDTA Spülung). Schrumpfungsfrei. Revidierbar. geniale Verarbeitung (Optimierung der klinischen Zeit) Ca2+ Freisetzung (Hydroxylapatit verwächst mit dem Dentin) antibakteriell (hemmt Bakterienwachstum) biokompatibel fördert die Pulpa-Regeneration “verwächst“ mittels neu gebildetem Hydroxylapatit mit dem Dentin Einsatz in feuchten Medien ohne Verlust der Eigenschaften Hydrophil: Absorbiert Feuchtigkeit Fertig-Direktapplikations-Spritze zu 0,5g inkl. 5 Stück Endo Applikations-Kanülen (grau) Indikationen (MTA Zemente) Behandlung von iatrogenen oder durch Kariesläsion entstandene Perforationen (Wurzelkanal / Parodont / Furkation / Pulpa)  Direkte und indirekte Überkappung (MTA PulpCap; Pulprotec MTA) Pulpotomie (Abdeckung / Versiegelung des zu erhaltenden vitalen Pulpenstumpfes)  Apikaler Verschluss des Wurzelkanales (auch bei Einblutung / Sekret) WSR-Obturation  Behandlung interner / externer Resorptionen  Apikales WF-Material bei schwierigen Kanälen, voluminöser Pulpakavität oder bei Revisionen  Apexogenese (Förderung der Beendigung des Wurzelwachstums bei vitalen bleibenden Zähnen mit entzündeter Kronenpulpa)  Apexifikation (Induktion der Bildung einer apikalen Barriere von hartem Gewebe bei jungen bleibenden Zähnen mit unvollendetem Wurzelwachstum und nekrotischer Pulpa)  Behandlung interner / externer Resorptionen  Apikales WF-Material bei schwierigen Kanälen, voluminöser Pulpakavität oder bei Revisionen

From €21.51*
CD-highflex File Unicone Plus Set
CD-highflex Unicone Plus. Hochleistungs-Wurzelkanalfeilen: Maximale Effizienz und Sicherheit in der Endodontie. Erleben Sie unsere hochentwickelten Wurzelkanalfeilen - die optimale Wahl für anspruchsvolle endodontische Behandlungen: Überlegene Flexibilität und Langlebigkeit 3,8-fach flexibler als herkömmliche Feilen 2,5-fach höhere Ermüdungsresistenz für eine verbesserte Haltbarkeit Innovative Thermo-Nickel-Titan-Technologie mit charakteristischem Blauton Doppelte Temperung sorgt für außergewöhnliche Flexibilität, auch bei mehrfach gekrümmten Wurzelkanälen Exzellente Schneideffizienz und Sicherheit Herausragende Schneideffizienz ermöglicht schnelle und präzise Aufbereitungen Bruchsichere Konstruktion garantiert maximale Patientensicherheit Vielseitig einsetzbar: Geeignet für alle Wurzelkanalbehandlungen, sowohl rotierend als auch reziprok Praktische Anwendung Autoklavierbar bis 134 °C für eine einfache Sterilisation Zeitsparend und kosteneffizient Unsere Wurzelkanalfeilen bieten Ihnen Präzision, Sicherheit und Effizienz - ideal für optimale Behandlungsergebnisse in der modernen Endodontie. Größenspektrum: Small (Taper 06 - 20) gelb Medium (Taper 06 - 25) rot X-Large (Taper 06 - 40) schwarz Set mit 1 Feile je Größe.

Splendor adaptive Glass Fiber Post
SPLENDOR Intraradicular Glass Fiber Post with Sleeve Intraradicular glass fiber post with sleeve for reinforcing endodontic restorations and anchoring core build-ups. The mechanical properties of the Splendor posts are similar to those of natural dentin. The propagation and intensity of stresses in the tooth's root area are minimized. Splendor Adaptive Glass Fiber Post Sliding sleeve for adapting to the size of the root canal Quick reconstruction and stabilization Optimal anchoring of core build-ups Material: 80% glass fiber / 20% epoxy resin Contents: 5 posts

Perfect Endo KI endomotor
Wireless AI endo motor & endometry. Hand-flattering WK reprocessing device with high-precision endometry. AI control with new apical functions;reference point actions; auto on/off; torque control now also in Reciprok mode and much more. Programme database for Cumdente files and other manufacturers. Removable, sterilisable miniature contra-angle head: 360° rotatable, reduction ratio (6:1). Speed range: 100 rpm to 1,200 rpm. Torque range: 0.4 Ncm to 5.0 Ncm. High lithium-ion battery capacity. Soft-grip surface. Comfortable and secure grip. Perfect Endo / KI endomotor and endometry set:incl. 1x charging station with mains adapter. 1x measuring cable, 2x file clip, 2x lip hooks, 2x silicone sleeve for contra-angle handpiece, accessories and detailed instructions for use.

€499.50* €999.00* (50% saved)
Cumdente Endo set
Cumdente Endo set 1090892 Endo Turbo 812MT 1 1090255 CD-highflex File #S Unicone Plus 06/20 (6pcs) 1 1090256 CD-highflex File #M Unicone Plus 06/25 (6pcs) 1 1090257 CD-highflex File #L Unicone Plus 06/35 (6pieces) 1 1090258 CD-highflex File #XL Unicone Plus 06/40 (6pcs) 1 1090212 K-File 2 ISO 08 L25mm (6pcs) 1 1090220 W-XN-File ISO 25 (6pcs) 1 1090221 W-File #1 04/10 (6pcs) 1 1001133 Disposable Endo Irrigation Cannula (yellow) - 50 pcs. 1 1000026 Endo-Jet cannula - 50 pcs. 1 1000639 Prep Gel 1 1001212 Root Canal conditioner 1 1001300 Greater Taper Plugger I ISO 30 1 1001301 Greater Taper Plugger II ISO 30 1 1001738 MTA sealer 1 1030512 MTA speed (set of 2) 1 1000442 MTA applicator including endo application cannulas - 10 pieces 1 1000075 Flow White Pro 1 1001138 Etch & Bond 1

CD-highflex Files Unicone Plus
Highly efficient root canal filesOne-file principle (one file for everything) for reciprocal root canal preparation.enables the preparation of a root canal with just one instrumentinnovativecutting edge design with coronal debris transportnon-cuttinginstrumenttip lead-red bendable3.8 times more flexible and 2.5 times more fatigue-resistant than conventional files, Highcutting efficiency and safety in reprocessing, time-saving and extended size range (Small / Medium / Large / XLarge)For all single-file reprocessing methods according to the reciprocating or reciprocating-head method. Pulse methodAutoclavable (134° C) Size range:Small (Taper 06 - 20) yellowMedium(Taper 06 - 25) redLarge(Taper 06 - 35) greenX-Large(Taper 06 - 40) blackPack of 6 CD-hf Files Unicone Plus

Innovative size-graded root canal files.for rotary preparation using the standardised technique, crown-down technique and step-back technique.highly flexible, fracture-resistant (gold-coloured) root canal files made of new tempered nickel-titanium alloyinnovative cutting edge design with high effectivenessNon-cutting instrument tipHighly flexible, break-resistant root canal files with modern cutting design for preparing the gliding path (W-File #1 - W-File #2), widening the canal entrance (coronal flaring - W-XN file) and rotary canal preparation using the standardised technique, crown-down technique or step-back technique (W3 - W7 files). Autoclavable (134 °C).Pack with 6 pcs. W-Files

Endo Diamond
Extra-long diamond grinding instrument. Ideal for trephination, widening of canal entrances etc. Taper 12, ISO 30, length 17 mm, colour code: black, for FG shaft. Autoclavable (134 °C).Pack of 6 pcs.

W-XN-File (Coronal Flaring), colour code: silver
Intro file for canal opening. Highly flexible, fracture-resistant root canal files made of new tempered nickel-titanium alloy and modern cutting design for preparing the glide path (W-File #1, W-File #2), widening the canal entrance (Coronal Flaring - W-XN file) and rotary canal preparation using the standardised technique.

K-Files WK manual preparation
Cutting-efficient, break-resistant hand files (medical steel alloy) for opening up the root canal / manual preparation of the glide path / X-ray length measuring holder.Length 25 mm, ISO standardised with silicone stopper. Autoclavable (134 ºC).Pack of 6 pcs.

MTA PulpCap
Light-curing, resin-reinforced MTA cement. Capping material. For precise indirect and direct capping of the pulp and highly effective pulp protection. Antibacterial thanks to high alkaline pH value. Rich in bioactive calcium. Promotes the formation of tertiary dentine and hydroxyapatite. For immediate high-quality pulp obturation. Moisture-tolerant, radiopaque. Syringe of 1 g, incl. 10 pcs. Metal cannulas black (thin).Tip: Ideal for use in combination with Cumdente Hybrid Bond . Adhesive of the 8th generation.

From €44.91*
Anodised aluminium, two-piece, autoclavable (134 °C).1 pc. incl. 1 foam disc

CleanTray refill pack
Refill pack of 24 pcs. Disposable foam discs for CleanTray

Root canal gel rinse.Sliding and chip-binding agent. With EDTA.Pack of 1 pc. 3 ml syringe incl. 5 pcs. Intra-cannulas

From €19.71*
MTA Universal DirectCaps
Setting time 10-15 minutes.Disposable capsules of 300 mg repair cementIndications (MTA cements)Treatment of iatrogenic perforations or perforations caused by caries lesions (root canal / periodontium / furcation / pulp) Direct and indirect capping (MTA PulpCap; Pulprotec MTA) Pulpotomy (covering / sealing of the vital pulp stump to be preserved) Apical closure of the root canal (also in case of haemorrhage / secretion) WSR obturation Treatment of internal / external resorptions Apical WF material for difficult canals, voluminous pulp cavities or revisions Apexogenesis (promoting the termination of root growth in vital permanent teeth with inflamed crowns) teeth with inflamed crown pulp) Apexification (induction of the formation of an apical barrier of hard tissue in young permanent teeth with incomplete root growth and necrotic pulp) Treatment of internal / external resorptions Apical WF material for difficult canals, voluminous pulp cavities or revisionsMTA Speed Applikator

From €41.31*
Root Canal Conditioner
For conditioning the root canalCitric acid-based rinsing solution (20 %) for conditioning the root canal after root canal preparation. Removes smear layer residues on the canal walls.50 ml syringe with Luer-Lock adapter for direct filling of commercially available disposable syringes.

From €26.01*
MTA Rapid (hand-mixed preparation)
Setting time approx. 10-15 minutes MTA manual mixing variant: powder / liquidPack of 1.0 g MTA powder, 3 ml distilled water, spatula

From €59.31*
Cumdente UC-One
Cumdente UC-One Ultrasonic irrigation, with exchangeable disposable plastic tip. For highly efficient root canal irrigation Even for complex curved canals and up to the apex. Highly flexible, does not break. UC-One ultrasonic irrigation set incl. 1x charging station, 1x power supply unit, 1x syringe attachment and 50 disposable plastic tips, accessories and instructions for use.

UC-One disposable plastic tips
UC-One disposable plastic tips Highly flexible, does not break. Box of 50 pieces

MTA Sealer
Universal 2-component root canal sealer based on MTAHighly biocompatible, moisture-tolerant, bactericidal. For permanently perfect, bacteria-proof obturation of the root canal system in conjunction with gutta-percha and all condensation techniques, including the single-cone technique. Very good flowability, easy to work with. Revisable.1 pc. Double piston syringe, 4.0 g incl. 5 mixing tips MTA Sealer (manual mixing also possible)

From €71.91*
MTA Speed Applicator
Disposable applicator syringe incl. disposable endo application cannula (blue)Disposable applicator syringe incl. disposable endo application cannula (blue) (27 Ga, Ø = 0.4 mm / 23 mm, blunt, sterile).Pack of 10 pcs.

Calcium hydroxide paste for temporary medical inlays.Easy to apply, stable paste-like consistency. Antibacterial. Radiopaque. Also suitable for resorbable root canal filling in deciduous teeth. Pack of 1 pc. 2 g syringe incl. 5 pcs. Intra-cannulas.

From €23.31*
Endo-Jet cannula
Endo-Jet cannulaNew Endo irrigation cannula (gauge 27 / Ø = 0.4 mm, length 25 mm) with high turbulence of the irrigation solution on the root canal walls and therefore very high irrigation effectiveness. Prevents the irrigation solutionfrom being pressed over the apex.Pack of 50 pcs.

Glass fibre post
High-performance glass fibre posts (solid material)Can be silanised, excellent composite adhesion. Very high flexural strength / stability.Pack of 10 incl. matching pre-drill (ISO contra-angle handpiece shaft ø = 2.35 mm)

From €79.90*
Endo disposable irrigation cannula
For efficient irrigation. Prevents the rinsing solution from being pressed over the apex. (Gauge 27 / Ø = 0.4 mm, length 23 mm).Pack of 50 pcs.

MTA Sealer mixing tip
Mixing tip orangeStatic mixer and application cannula for MTA Sealer.

Lip hooks for endo motors
Lip hook Autoclavable (134° C)

EndoTurbo 812MT file clip
File clip

Measuring cable for EndoTurbo 812MT
Measuring cable for EndoTurbo 812MT1 piece

EndoTurbo 812MT power supply unit
Spare power supply unit 1 pc.


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