Cumdente has been a leader in the development of dental MTA materials for many years. Modern MTA materials (so-called bioceramics) fuse with the dentine (including secondary and tertiary dentine) through calcium ion exchange with the dentin (also secondary and tertiary dentin) and form an immediate, long-term stable, bacteria-proof sealing barrier, bacteria-proof sealing barrier. At the same time, it is bactericidal and sustainably bioactive: MTA bioceramics promote cell regeneration of the pulp and the periapical mixed tissue.

Bioactive MTA materials

Cover all indications with systemically coordinated materials. 

Indications MTA cements
  • Treatment of iatrogenic perforations or perforations caused by caries lesions (root canal / periodontium / furcation / root canal) periodontium / furcation / pulp)
  • Direct and indirect capping
  • Pulpotomy (covering / sealing of the vital pulp stump to be preserved)
  • Apical closure of the root canal (also in case of haemorrhage / secretion)
  • WSR obturation
  • Treatment of internal / external resorptions
  • Apical WF material for difficult canals, voluminous pulp cavities or revisions
  • Apexogenesis (promoting the termination of root growth in vital permanent teeth with inflamed crowns) teeth with inflamed crown pulp)
  • Apexification (induction of the formation of an apical barrier of hard tissue in young, permanent teeth with incomplete root growth and necrotic pulp)
  • Treatment of internal / external resorptions
  • Apical WF material for difficult canals, voluminous pulp cavities or revisions

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