The new Endo generation combines break-proof highflex files made of nickel-titanium titanium with the latest motor technology and torque control - now also in reciprocating mode. New bio-ceramic obturation materials and sealers. More endodontics is not possible!

The Cumdente endodontology.

For more than 20 years, we at Cumdente have been known for integrating the latest endodontic technologies and materials into practical treatment concepts and, above all, pulp therapy and root canal treatment with the aim of maximising the claim of maximum care for everyday dental practice (with pleasure and financially practice (with pleasure and financially attractive).

We are a team of materials scientists and chemists with a focus on the development and manufacture of highly innovative endo materials, especially MTA products. Time and again, we have been the first to set new standards, most recently certainly with new concepts for concepts for preserving the vitality of teeth by capping them with the light-curing PulpCap but also with new but also through new MTA Sealer etc.

Prof Hahn and Dr Schynowski always follow the literature and very closely. Good things are filtered out from flashes in the pan and our international international contacts are used to contribute our ideas and requirements and to make the best of files, endo motors or WF instruments available to our customers. available for our customers. And then there is the high quality filter of the clinics run by Prof Hahn. Only what he has uncompromisingly becomes the Cumdente treatment concept. Of course, this is an ongoing process process: instruments and materials are constantly being updated and the treatment treatment concepts in detail.

Today, Cumdente endo is easier than ever before. Many different devices have been functionally combined, e.g. in the new Endo Turbo for example. Only a few state-of-the-art cd-hf files are still required files are now required and the new MTA cements and sealer reproducibly successful root canal fillings with unprecedented efficiency. efficiency.

It's worth switching consistently!

Endodontics -

Simple. Fast. Safe and very successful.

Total Assortment

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